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El Resplandor


The gradient designed for the courtyard in the El Panal building is a transition from ochre similar to the floor around to a deep azure at the top, which matched the color of the sky that could be seen from there. It was printed on cotton voile, one of the materials produced for Wave (Nagoya, 2010), here used to make curtains. The installed set of curtains encircled a partly open field, modifying the light in the halls around the courtyard and creating a new lightened-up room with movable, see-through, colored walls. Between the courtyard and the building, there was always some breeze, the wind, or people walking, which kept the curtains moving. The empty, half-darkened spaces in the old abandoned building where the ¡Afuera! Arte en Espacios Publicos show took place reminded of the atmosphere in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. El Resplandor is the translation of this movie’s title used in its distribution in Argentina.

